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When elected, these will be my priorities.

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Address the violent crime outbreak in our city.

I will use my 25 years of experience in Public Safety and 20 years in Youth Rehabilitation Services to support our personnel in the effort to get control of the outbreak of violence that has spread over into our district. I do not believe in trying Micro-manage our department heads, simply providing assistance through dialogue from experience in best practices for addressing these issues.
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Stop excessive borrowing.

Our city is $200 million in debt, and plans to borrow more. The bottom line is that us and our families are the ones who are going to be on the hook to pay for this long after the Mayor has gone onto greener pastures. We need to live within our means and start repairing and keeping up up facilities that we currently have. Borrowing of this scale should be reserved for major infrastructure needs and not just whatever the current administration thinks will be flashy and good for their career. Yes, all those zeros mean MILLIONS.
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I will not simply be a RUBBER STAMP for the Mayor.

I've said this before. I believe in independent decision making based on what is best for the residents of District 6. I will be an independent voice and work productively with the Mayor's office without being a guaranteed yes on every proposal.
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Repair the lift station on Hargrove Road East.

I will see to it that this situation is corrected. The stench/stink from this has been a problem in this area for years without attention until recent additional outcry from neighbors. Complaints have gone unaddressed for years by the current Council person and administration.
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Pursue Elevate Tuscaloosa Projects.

I will pursue our districts fair share of projects from the Elevate Tuscaloosa program. We are all paying additional sales tax to fund this program but there no projects dedicated specifically to district 6. Other district are receiving nice dedicated projects while we pay the cost. This should not be happening. The current Councilperson supported this tax increase and has failed to lobby for our district to receive the benefits.
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Repair, improve, and protect our Park and Recreation Authority Activity Centers.

I will fight the Mayor's attempts to defund PARA. We have an award winning organization and if there are issues that need to be addressed, I will do so. I will fight to restore payment of deferred maintenance to our facilities, which has left both the Belk and McAbee Centers in desperate need of repair. There is discussion of filling in the Dockery Therapeutic Pool and converting it to a "dance floor". These are matters being used to justify the city borrowing millions more into debt. I will oppose these efforts.
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Improve the appearance of our thoroughfares.

Our thoroughfares in District 6 serve as one of the primary gateways to Tuscaloosa for travelers coming from the east of town. Our streets and highways should look as attractive as those in the downtown, central, and other areas of the city. Just attractive landscaping/shrubbery, and maybe a welcome sign would go a long way towards making our district look much more inviting. TDOT does a good job of mowing the right of way on the highways, but items like these will certainly be an improvement.
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And above all, be responsive to you, and the needs of our district.

My wife Nancy and live in the Woodlands subdivision on Hargrove Road East. My cell number is 205-657-3131.
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