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Dear District 6 residents.
I'm John Faile and I am seeking the District 6 Council seat in the March 2021 municipal election. Please know that I am in this campaign because of my concern for the residents of our community. Our Tuscaloosa is in the midst of crisis. We need conservative leadership in public safety and in the financial aspects of government. Having served 45 years as police officer and corrections administrator I know what our law enforcement is going through daily and will support all our first responders, all our city employees. Just like many of you I am concerned about the direction our city is going financially. We must be careful with our tax money just as we are with the funds we have for our family. As a community we must be good neighbors to everyone. A kind word and a smile goes a long way. As we go through our day, as we deal with daily issues lets all strive to Do the Right Thing. Please consider supporting me as a candidate for this office . I will be honored to serve God Bless Tuscaloosa!

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An Independent Voice.

I am dedicated to improving District 6 and tending to issues of concern in our neighborhoods. I believe in working as a team, however with an independent voice for our district and not simply rubber stamping someone else's plans and ideas. I believe in operating by the '11 Comandments for the Public Servant' listed below.

Financially Conservative.

I'm financially conservative. I don't believe in borrowing money to excess. I think everyone understands who will ultimately pay the cost of debt and that is the public through increased sales and other taxes. I believe the jury is still out on recent city borrowing and how it will be repaid.


Our District 6 Neighbors deserve responsive leadership. In addition to this website, I maintain social media communications, email at, and my personal cell number is (205) 657-3131. I will be available to meet with residents at public locations in the district monthly at minimum.

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